Emily is a 4th -year graduate student earning her master’s degree in Christian Counseling at Houston Christian University. She will soon graduate and seek licensure under the State of Texas as a Licensed Professional Counselor – Associate. Emily has nine years of experience in pastoral counseling working with individuals, parents, couples, and groups. She is trained in a variety of Christ-Centered, biblically- rooted, and scientifically informed therapeutic skills and techniques, as well as a trained Elijah House prayer minister, and group facilitator. Emily views herself as a participant in Christ’s healing work and finds it an honor to jump on board with what He is doing in the care of souls.
In her own journey, Emily found healing and freedom from an eating disorder, anxiety, and depression by applying biblical principles to her wounded heart, through the help of healing prayer, and other trauma-informed counseling techniques. Coming to not only know, but also feel God as for her, delighted in her, and as a person with value and worth gave Emily the courage to face her brokenness and deal with her shame. In the broken, angry, and grief-stricken places of her heart, she discovered grace in the form of self-compassion, trust, peace, freedom, and contentment. If you struggle with feelings of not being good enough, feeling crazy or off, being “bad,” confused, anxious, lost, isolated, angry, or sad; you are her people! It is her passion to share the same healing principles and power that healed her with others. No matter your painful circumstances, there is great hope. It takes courage to reach out for help, please do so while you are here. Emily would love to partner with you and Jesus as you walk your personal path toward freedom.
Emily has been a guest on the HBU Podcast: Think About It and has spoken at retreats, conferences, and local churches. She loves to speak to groups on the topics of trauma, complex trauma, depression, anxiety, addiction, the importance of story-telling, self/other compassion, how attachment issues play out in current relationships (including your relationship with God), the intersection of faith, theology, and therapy, theological concepts of suffering, sin, and grace, and more.
You may contact Emily at ebbullion@gmail.com