Vetrena Lendon is an ordained minister and certified prayer minister. She also has a Bachelor of Science in Business Management. She is a wife, a mother, and most importantly a woman after God’s own heart. She is a John Maxwell certified international speaker, teacher, and coach. She is also co-owner of Revive2Thrive which was cofounded with Lavonne Spears an organization created to set the captives free in all areas of life.
Our goal is to get people and ourselves “CrossFit”. CrossFit is a concept borne out of the knowledge that we all should be spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally fit so we can carry our cross. I base this on Isaiah 61. I am from Wilmington, NC but My home is in Corpus Christi, TX where I reside with my husband Avis Lendon. I also have a daughter, son, and grandson who lives in Kileen, TX My daughter is Akeelah my son is Kadeem, and my grandson is Ian.
I love God and His people, and I pray to one day minister the gospel to all nations. I am who God says I am and nothing less. I am saved, sanctified, justified, and qualified by God. I have been baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire. I’m not afraid to tell anyone that I am nothing without God. I am grateful for any opportunity to speak about His goodness. I am a part of the end-time remnant that has come to take back territory for the Kingdom and I double-dog dare the devil to try and stop me. My prayer is always to leave the places and people that I encounter better than I found them. I pray that the God in me will connect to the God in you and we can set this world on fire with not only revival but resolution and revolution. It is my joy to help others see themselves as God sees them.
You may contact Trena at