Founders/Pastoral Counselors

Founders, Ron and Sherry Torbert bring over 30 years of experience to this ministry of helping individuals and couples find healing through Biblical principles. Their counseling is unique and brings freedom in ways traditional therapy cannot.   Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and through prayers of repentance and forgiveness, they continue to see miraculous changes in the hearts of God’s people.

Ron and Sherry both take great joy in being available for the Holy Spirit to use them. They have a team of  Ambassadors who joyfully spread the word about this ministry to the heart. These volunteers are people whose lives have been deeply impacted by this type of personal ministry.

In 1992-93, Ron and Sherry took the 201 and 202 Elijah House Schools of Prayer Ministry.  Shortly thereafter they became Elijah House facilitators for these two schools.

Over the years they have trained hundreds of individuals through the Elijah House School of Prayer Ministry. They pastored a church for 8 years, and in 2012 founded a non-profit healing center called Refreshing Spring Ministries and in 2017 they founded Heart Revival Ministries which is the parent organization that sponsors IAPM.   They both love to travel and speak on topics related to inner healing, the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, or reaching your destiny.

As an author, Sherry has written an 8-week inner-healing curriculum entitled “Passion for Purpose” which has an accompanying online video teaching series.   When you purchase this video series, you will be given access to online videos for each lesson taught by Ron and Sherry. You can use this course on your own or use it for small-group study.   Sherry has also written two other books entitled, “Seven Love Languages of the Holy Spirit” and “Scripture Prayers for Specific Needs.”  Ron has also authored a book entitled  “Who Told You That”, which is basic training in spiritual warfare.  All of these resources are available at

You may contact Sherry at and Ron at